Winners: Miss Universe 2015
Miss Universe - Philippines
1st Runner-up - Colombia
2nd Runner-up - USA
This is probably one of the most awkward awkward crowning moment in the history. Steve Harvey made a horrible mistake on the 1st runner up and Miss Universe winners. But then he apologized, announced the right winner, and took responsibility of his mistake. What an embarrassing moment for Steve Harvey and horrific for both Miss Columbia and Miss Philippines. He is a great guy so no need to embarrass him in social media. Nobody is perfect, we all makes mistakes.
TOP 15 Question and Answer for Miss Philippines
Question: Earlier this year, there was a controversy about the United States reopening a military base in your country, Do you think the United States should have a military presence in your country?
Answer: "I think that the United States and the Philippines has always had a good relationship with each other. We were colonized by the Americans and we have their culture in our tradition even up to this day. And I think that we are very welcoming with the Americans and I don't see any problem with that at all."
Top 3 Question:
Miss Philippines, Pia Alonzo: "To be a Miss Universe is both an honor and a responsibility. If I were to be the Miss Universe. I would used my voice to influence the youth and I would raise awareness to certain causes like HIV awareness that is timely and relevant to my country which is the Philippines I wanna show the world, the universe rather that I am confidently beautiful with the heart. Thank you!"
Ms Colombia, Ariadna Guitierrez (with interpreter): I am confident that I should be the 3rd Miss universe for my country Colombia. Because I have all of the attributes that a latin woman has. I am a woman who is full of feelin, have the attributes that the woman should have in Colombia and a woman should have in col and a Ms universe should have for all her events.
TOP 10
Question: Earlier this year, there was a controversy about the United States reopening a military base in your country, Do you think the United States should have a military presence in your country?
Answer: "I think that the United States and the Philippines has always had a good relationship with each other. We were colonized by the Americans and we have their culture in our tradition even up to this day. And I think that we are very welcoming with the Americans and I don't see any problem with that at all."
Top 3 Question:
Why should you be the next Miss Universe?
Miss USA, Tulsan Olivia Jordan: I think that I should be the next, the next Miss because I am so passionate and so driven. It is my goal to inspire people from around world, to believe in themselves, to be themselves and to follow their widest dream no matter what those dream are. I want to work to bring equality towards men and woman and it is time to set up into empower women and I will win empower women all over the world.
Miss USA, Tulsan Olivia Jordan: I think that I should be the next, the next Miss because I am so passionate and so driven. It is my goal to inspire people from around world, to believe in themselves, to be themselves and to follow their widest dream no matter what those dream are. I want to work to bring equality towards men and woman and it is time to set up into empower women and I will win empower women all over the world.
Miss Philippines, Pia Alonzo: "To be a Miss Universe is both an honor and a responsibility. If I were to be the Miss Universe. I would used my voice to influence the youth and I would raise awareness to certain causes like HIV awareness that is timely and relevant to my country which is the Philippines I wanna show the world, the universe rather that I am confidently beautiful with the heart. Thank you!"
Ms Colombia, Ariadna Guitierrez (with interpreter): I am confident that I should be the 3rd Miss universe for my country Colombia. Because I have all of the attributes that a latin woman has. I am a woman who is full of feelin, have the attributes that the woman should have in Colombia and a woman should have in col and a Ms universe should have for all her events.
Dominican Republic
Image grabbed from Facebook
Early pregnancy is quickly becoming one of the most common problems in first-world countries. Teenagers range from ages thirteen to eighteen and get pregnant for many different reasons; the causes of teenage pregnancy include lack of discipline, feelings of not being loved and cared for, overprotective parents, lack of parents’ guidance and supervision, sexual abuse or rape, childhood environment, failure of sex education, and neglect or improper use of birth control. There are many causes of teenage pregnancy, and its consequences are life changing.
Teenagers with busy parents who have no time to guide and support them are more likely to get pregnant. Communication between parents and children, a part of family bonding, becomes weak. A teen who does not feel that she can talk to her parents about sex will turn to friends, movies, or videos that will most likely give wrong information. The lack of affection from the family will push them to have an intimate relationship elsewhere.
Teenage pregnancy can also be a result of failure to teach the necessary sex education to both the school and parents. They then get engaged in sexual contact without any knowledge about contraception or the proper use of birth control. Parents are still hesitant to discuss sex with their kids and are just content with whatever sex education is offered by the school. According to a survey poll by National Public Radio, Sex Education in America Foundation, and Harvard's Kennedy School National Survey on Sex Education, most Americans agree that sex education should be taught in schools. The debate continues on this day on whether to teach a broad sex education curriculum to schools.
Children of overprotective parents can also be rebellious. They cannot make their own decision, and some get tired of it by doing things against their parent's will. They turn to friends who are into alcohol and drugs or find the security and love they are looking for in the opposite sex and are more likely to get pregnant. They find happiness away from the sight of their parents. Stemming from that, however, some children, no matter how great their parents are, are just too stubborn and do what they think will make them happy without consideration for how it will affect others. They are prone to bad influences, sexual escapades, and early pregnancy that will lead them to miserable lives.
The effect of teenage pregnancy on society is a serious issue. School dropouts are the leading effects of pregnancy; they cannot handle the burden of studying and taking care of their baby after birth. Because of their responsibility to the newborn baby, they choose to stay home taking care of the kids. Many teen moms may find it difficult or impossible to support their kids because they did not get the proper education, so the career option is limited resulting in poverty. Others pursue their dream to finish college education and become good parents.
Teenage pregnancy is most common in the USA, despite the government campaigns to teach sex education in schools. According to The National Campaign, the teenage pregnancy rate declined from 1990 to 2008, therefore teenagers are becoming aware of the negative impacts of early pregnancy. If pregnancy happens to one member of the family, all we need is to give them the support they need instead of blaming them, for sure they already learned their lesson for what they have done wrong. Teenage pregnancy is a life-long commitment that needs serious attention.
This is a satire
of the stereotype that all Asian parents give their children excess academic
pressure. (Chris and Bryant).
A rise in academic pressure has ensued to meet the demands of today’s society and the results are less than favorable. The pressure usually begins during adolescence, a vulnerable time for them, when they receive not only pressure from their superiors but also from their peers. The rise in academic pressure has negatively affected the masses of recent high school students, shown by rises in academic dishonesty and depression rates, against the well-meant intentions of the individuals who instigate this pressure.
Academic dishonesty has always been a problem in school, but the rates have risen gradually; surveys conducted by Drake have shown that in 1941, 23% of college students admitted to cheating. In more recent surveys by Graham, Monday, O’Brien, and Steffen, an astonishing 90% of students have reported cheating ( Children today feel more pressured to cheat and do whatever is necessary to rise to the top. Such individuals may also be the valedictorian of their class; by doing so, they rob their more deserving peers of rightfully deserved opportunities. Pressure can originate from both sentient individuals and the draw of prestigious honors. I understand that we want our kids to be on top of the class, but we should also consider that they are young. They should enjoy life, mingle with friends, and have fun. Life is not all about pressuring the students to study. As an Asian parent, I can see how my children do their very best to please me. I feel guilty about it, so what I do, is to compensate them. I allow them to use the computer, wake up late on weekends, and less household chores. These are simple things but will make a lot of difference.
Depression and suicide in high school students have been well researched and documented, but hardly anything has been done about it. Although it occurs in Western countries, it is more often documented in Asian countries, where academic success is stressed, in the belief that academic excellence is one of the only ways to succeed. Juon et al surveyed Korean high school students and found that those who admitted to being more stressed about academics were more likely to have serious considerations of suicide ( Similar results were found in Singapore, where school problems accounted for 11% of suicides among students ( The results of these studies prove nothing positive about the psychological toll of excess academic pressure.
On the other end of the spectrum, the sources of pressure have different motives for attacking a teenager’s fragile psyche. The most common sources of academic pressure include parents, competition, and the curriculum itself. Parents usually have no idea of the extent of the psychological toll their pressure has on their children, and their efforts can be justified by trying to get the best out of their child. Academic competition, in its simplest sense, is ranking and how a student competes with other students. Many schools have opted out of traditional valedictorians and salutatorians for the very purpose of reducing academic pressure. And last, but definitely not least, is pressure from a school’s curriculum, which may prove to be too difficult for a student. A tough curriculum, on top of parental and peer pressure, is the outdoing of many students. This is a problem in Eastern and Western countries, either it’s to maintain their high-tier spot in education rankings or to raise theirs.
Academic pressure has proven detrimental to students’ psyches, academic dishonesty, and student depression rates, yet despite the research and efforts, little has actually been done to reduce academic pressure. Education is essential for the growth of human beings as individuals and a population, and it carries long-term effects. Poor education of one generation fosters worse education for the next.
Works Cited
Ang, Rebecca P. and Huan, Vivien S. “Relationship between Academic Stress and Suicidal Ideation: Testing for Depression as a Mediator Using Multiple Regression.” July 21, 2006. Web. 6 July 2013.
Chris and Bryant. “High Expectations Asian Father.” n.p. 2010. Web. 7 June 2013.
Heneghan, Emily. “Academic Dishonesty and the Internet in Higher Education.” May 4, 2012. Web. 5 July 2013.
Do you know that World War II was the largest and most violent armed conflict in the history of mankind? M. P. W. Stone, Secretary of the Army ? At the start of World War 2, the Philippines, were United States territory as per the 1898 Treaty of Paris. World War 2 began on September 1, 1939 and ended on September 2, 1945. But to the Americans, World War 2 started on December 7th, 1941, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbour.
"Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.... As Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense... With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounded determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us God." President F.D. Roosevelt - 8th December 1941.
I am from the Philippines. And in our History class, World War 2, we were taught how our forefather bravely fought the Japanese soldiers. Today, I would like to share with you the bravery of our American and Filipino soldiers during the World War: I will focus on the invasion of the Japanese to Bataan Island, Philippines.
- Start of the Battle of Bataan - The Japanese attack
- The Fall of Bataan
- The Bataan Death March
On 7 December 1941, Japan attacks Pearl Harbor without any declaration of war. Only hours after, the Japanese also struck American airbase in the Philippines. General Douglas MacArthur, commanding United States Army Forces in the Far East (USAFFE), began making preparations to defend the archipelago from the Japanese invasion. Unlike in Pearl Harbor, the Japanese followed their surprise air strike of the Philippines with a ground invasion. So MacArthur's troops retreated, he was flown for Australia where he broadcast to the Filipino people his famous "I Shall Return" promise. On Bataan, the American soldiers felt they were abandoned by their own government. Nevertheless, they fought valiantly. The Japanese attack, quickly cut off the Philippines from food and other supplies by a Japanese blockade.
The Fall of Bataan
The incessant bombings and artillery bombardment turned the Bataan into an inferno. Over the course of the next three days, the American and Filipino soldiers slowly used up their supplies, progressively disintegrated and collapsed, clogging all roads with refugees and fleeing troops. On April 9, 1942, U.S. General Edward P. King signed the surrender document, ending the Battle of Bataan. The remaining American and Filipino soldiers were taken by the Japanese as prisoners of war (POW). Immediately, the Bataan Death March began.
Bataan Death March.
The Bataan Death March was the forced march of the 72,000 captured American and Filipino POW's
The prisoners were to be marched 63 miles in hot sun from the southern Bataan Peninsula to Camp O'Donnell in the north. To the Japanese soldiers, the captured American and Filipino POW's from Bataan were unworthy of respect. To show their displeasure and disgust, the Japanese guards tortured their prisoners throughout the march. The captured soldiers were given no water and little food. The Japanese guards shot any and all prisoners who broke rank and tried to drink from them.
The prisoners were to be marched 63 miles in hot sun from the southern Bataan Peninsula to Camp O'Donnell in the north. To the Japanese soldiers, the captured American and Filipino POW's from Bataan were unworthy of respect. To show their displeasure and disgust, the Japanese guards tortured their prisoners throughout the march. The captured soldiers were given no water and little food. The Japanese guards shot any and all prisoners who broke rank and tried to drink from them.
Upon Arrival at Camp only 54,000 of the prisoners had made it. It is estimated that about 7,000 to 10,000 died, while the rest of the missing had escaped into the jungle and joined guerrilla groups.
The conditions within Camp were also brutal and harsh, leading to thousands more POW deaths even within their first few weeks there.
The living skeletons
Public Speaking: Informative speech, special event.
Engineer Robert M. Cruz, liturgical furniture maker and President of VitreArtus Glass Art Co., Inc., based in San Pedro, Laguna, started the company on 1990, designing, manufacturing and exporting decorative art glass (stained glass), church interior furnishings, statuary, wrought iron. For almost 25 years, the company provided Catholic churches and other institutions in the Philippines and abroad with liturgically and theologically correct religious art, iconography, and furniture.
Finishing touches of the 'Mabuting Pastol' relief sculpture by Fr. Alex Bautista.
Two of the papal chairs, the altar for the Luneta Mass, 11 chairs for the concelebrating bishops. 16 for the server-deacons, 10 for the papal entourage, seven candelabras, and a 5-foot lectern
Dr. Freddo Carpio Rivera's Facebook
VitreArtus Glass Art Co., Inc.
Executive Vice President
In-charge in administration, marketing/promotion, QC dept, HRD.
VitreArtus Glass Art Co., Inc.
Executive Vice President
In-charge in administration, marketing/promotion, QC dept, HRD.
Social media has played and is playing a big role in our
community today. This role can be perceived negatively or positively by people
depending on what aspect it is judged. For bloggers, social media is a big help in promoting our blogs and promoting the articles that we have
written to reach a wider audience, thus one of the best ways to
endorse the product or service that we intend to advertise. Also, through
social media, we will be able to, as bloggers, to invite other people to attend
events for product launching or any other activity for a cause and the like.
For ordinary people, social media is so far the best outlet
for them to express how they feel, to post whatever is on their minds, to tweet
or share any information they have read that they may think interesting to
others, to post a picture of what they are doing on that very moment so that
other people who follow them is updated of their activities or even their
schedule for a specific time.
On the other hand, other people, especially those who are
working in public offices, view social media as a way of stalking them, a way
of invading their privacy, or a way of putting them in a shameful position and
dragging their names in scandalous activities. Some personalities may likewise
think social media as a way of irresponsible journalism because anyone can post
anything (without scrutinizing the authenticity of the story first) where
hundreds or even thousands or millions of people may see and share them to the
rest of the world.
While this is the case, still we cannot deny that
social media has been a great help when it comes to information dissemination
that it is now deemed effective as to spreading the news (sadly we are talking
of both accurate and reliable news). Now, it is our responsibility to verify
the facts and to check if the articles or news that we read
online is authentic or not.