How to Make your G+ Set for Public

If your google +1 is not yet st to public.Don't worry about it. Making it for public viewing is easy. Signed in to google following this tutorial How to Show your G+ (plusones) in Public

1. Click on "View as..."
2. A "Public"  will appear ,click on it too.

3. Wait for a second and a new window will appear showing +1s. Move the mouse here and click.

3. This should be seen on the next window, the plusones permalink and the blog posts that you +1ed.

4. Save.

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About Filipino Worldwide Bloggers

(FBW) started as a Facebook group on November 1, 2011 as Filipino Bloggers Around the World. As the name implies, the purpose is to unite all Filipino Bloggers around the world.


  1. simple and madaling intindihin.. maraming salamat po..=)

  2. great tutorial.. easy as 1-2-3 :)

  3. Aw, glad to know this! :)

  4. Great tutorial thanks I hope more user of plus social will know this

  5. Now everything is put in order. Everything is made possible for others to follow. Do they need to complain or to appreciate the easiness of the instructions?

  6. I do appreciate every tutorial you make.
    Some of the bloggers can do things on their own but still...
    there are some who seem to be confused and lost.

  7. Thanks for this very simple and easy to understand tut.!

  8. Thanks! I got it done in a jippy!

  9. nice thanks for this great tutorial of how to show publich profile in google puls it is very easy after this tutorial thanks

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