Click and Comment Monday #1

Click and Comment Monday

Enter your name and HOMEPAGE or URL PAGE in the form below and press Enter.
Posting schedule- June 10- 16, 2012

Simple Rules 

1. Post one link /blogger a week
3.Please visit some of the links here for comment exchange, g+, FB like or more
4. Leave comments here, mentioning the participants name you commented on and what you did
5. Please return the love by reciprocating

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About Filipino Worldwide Bloggers

(FBW) started as a Facebook group on November 1, 2011 as Filipino Bloggers Around the World. As the name implies, the purpose is to unite all Filipino Bloggers around the world.


  1. joined! let's make this work ;)

  2. @Tatess FB Like, G+1&Share, Commented
    @yuuki FB Like, G+1&Share, Commented

  3. @tatess: fb like, G+1, Share
    @yuuki: RT, fb like, G+1, Share, Repin
    @John Paulo: FB like, Share, G+1, Share
    @Sumi:RT, G+1, Share, SU

  4. I'm kinda new at this.... trying things out =)

  5. @Tatess : G+1, tweet

    @Yuuki: Pinned, G+1

    @Paulo: G+1

    @LakwatserongUnggoy : G+1, Digg, Tweet

    @Horace: G+1, Tweet

    @Sumi : Tweet, G+1

  6. joined..I'll start tonight and probably I'll continue to reciprocate tomorrow...

  7. John Paulo: FB Like, +1, Share, and Joined the Free for All Rap Battle... este Commented haha

  8. I commented na for mommy tess, yuuki.

    Commented, g+ for john paulo.

    I'm not finished yet, I'll be back. =)

    I really like this meme, hehehe!

  9. given comments to: Hor-Ace, Athena, Swexie, Sumi, Tatess and John Paul so far..

  10. this is cool,thanks! joining in...

  11. Done from 1 up to 10, followed ur GFC Ivan ty guys

  12. @john paolo, commented ,liked, g+d na dati pa. @yuuki commented and g+.
    @, ric, swexie,Traveling Morion,lakwatsero,commented(wala kang share buttons lakwatero?). @horace and athena, g+ and tweet.@sumi, commented, tweet and g+.

  13. Commented and G+'d. Good initiative.

  14. Done with the comments for:
    John Paul
    Yuuki and
    Traveling Morion

  15. done commenting from 1-13, seny I am also following ur GFC as well as Ivan ty guys

  16. :) kagagaling nyo tlaga sa BLogging and traffic making.. GUsto ko matuto ng mga ganito

  17. @tatess comment, G+ and FB like
    @yuuki comment G+ Tweet
    @John Paulo comment G+ at Fb like
    @sumi comment G+ Fb Like, tweet
    @lakwatserong unggoy comment G+ FB like and tweet
    @horace comment, Tweet and G+
    @athena G+ FB Like, tweet and comment
    @Swexie, comment, G+, FB like and tweet
    @Ric, comment, tweet, fb like
    @ivan, comment, fb like, tweet
    @traveling morion, comment g+ tweet
    @seny comment, g+, fb like and tweet.
    @sarin comment, tweet, fb like and G+

  18. Hi! Nice naman ! i joined just now and will do to all tonight! have a great day everyone!
    * Tatess - comment, G+, FB Like and Tweet :))

  19. This is awesome!

  20. Thanks to this info. You are a SIR. :)

  21. @Franc Ramon, commented ,g+, fb like
    @myrns, commented, G+, FB Like and Tweet :))

  22. @myrnz g+, tweet, comment
    @fervil commet, g+, tweet
    @dmv agent, tweet, previously commented fb like and g+ your post already

  23. I just discovered it today. Am I late?

    I hope I still can catch up with all of you.

  24. visited 1-19 and commented but there are sites I can't find comment boxes... mostly FB...

  25. @Tatess FB Like | G+ | Comment
    @Athena FB Like | G+ | Comment
    @LalalaPatricia FB Like | G+ | Comment

  26. Pahabol po. :)

    @FrancRamon FB Like | G+ | Comment
    @Sumi FB Like | G+ | Comment

  27. @ionerzone, pwedeng pwede pa .it will close in 3 hours

  28. @mavic , yung ibang link .neeed to click the post(title) itself to make the comment box visible

  29. @Ivan, I can't comment on your post =( nage-error

  30. @lala patricia comment, g+, tweet, fb like
    @enzo comment, g+, tweet, fb like
    @mavic comment, fb like, tweet
    @Trisha, g+, fb like Tweet

  31. @lalalapatricia,g+, @mavic, commented already ,so I tweeted and fb like instead,@goulisha,FB Like | G+ | Comment

  32. pahabol comments for Marivic and Franc Ramon, done.

  33. commented until #21, G+ and FB like if there's the button...

  34. Ms. Tess, G+ and commented.
    I regret to tell you guys that I
    will be taking more than a month off...
    'not be able join threads because of domestic
    duties. I just hope I can get back SOON.

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