Featured Blog- Ask Hideki

Featured blog #10 

Blog Name: Ask Hideki
Category/Niche: Tech
Blog Description: Ask Hideki a blog about gadgets, tech news, reviews and tips of almost anything interesting under the web and mobile world.

About yourself/blogger: 

I am Hideki, I have been using that pen name since I started entering the world of internet via mobile web developing, more popularly known as wap. From there, I started studying basic HTML and later tried using blogging platforms (both WP and Blogger) as CMS. It was way back 2008 when I started blogging. I bought the domain name AskHideki.com last 2011. Before that, I was just using free domain names, but had already honed my blogging knowledge and technical skills. I am a 21 year old BSECE student and a tech fanatic. I love gadgets, and this is what I am writing about. I love what I am doing. My other site is Ian Tamad 

What’s the inspiration behind your blog and how long has it been around?

I cannot forget the names of all the mentors that taught me all the foundations I am holding into as a blogger/webmaster. First was Sir jonbrewno, I owe him my HTML/CSS/JS knowledge that we honed with

mobile wap sites development, Sir rus929 for my WP familiarization, and Sir bernjie/berniemeiru for self hosted WP and PHP/MYSQL knowledge I gained. I started to write on blogs in 2007, it was still Friendster times. Now, I was inspired with my desire of being like YugaTech and Jehzlau; as they are really an epitome of success in field of blogging and internet.

How did you get into blogging:

I will blame the desire I concocted on my young brain when I was still in high school, when our computer teacher introduced us the internet. After that class I had made a goal for myself that one day I will have a website of my own. Now, I got a lot.

What is your favorite blog post and why?

My favorite blog post is the second and third "Hello World" I got on my site. It's a symbol of not giving up, continuing the life of blogging for me. I get such only when backing up and moving a blog to another due to some unpleasant issues I got while I was on my early years. But seriously, every hello world is my favorite post as per its a mark of a new beginning and a desire to blog that is being started. Even though some are still got stuck on that.
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About Filipino Worldwide Bloggers

(FBW) started as a Facebook group on November 1, 2011 as Filipino Bloggers Around the World. As the name implies, the purpose is to unite all Filipino Bloggers around the world.


  1. I visited his site and I find it very helpful for less-techie people like me in building up my blog site.

  2. I've stumbled upon his site about once or twice. I think I should visit the blog more often.

  3. Nice infos!


  4. checked his site.. pretty dope for me :)

  5. so young yet so good keep sharing your knowledge in gadget and in blogging as well

  6. since I am kind of a techy person, I find his blog very interesting & informative! great feature sis!thank you :)

  7. multiple 'Hello World' I can relate to it. Haha. Means on and off blogging but yeah, not giving up!

  8. great idea of blogging about gadgets since we live into this world of everything but modern. im gonna follow the site. :)

  9. Interesting blog. I stumbled on Hideki's blog through Boy Kuripot and Girl Kuripot.

  10. This is so sweet! Featuring a blog :) I remembered something with the blogger's post title "Hello World!"

  11. I came to blogging couple of month ago.Before that i had made hundreds of blog/webs to many.One day one of my cousin asked why do you start one.That made the blog Ask Expert >Good Luck to you :D

  12. wow perfect for less techie people like me :)

    Rovie, The Bargain Doll

  13. is now preparing my write-up to be featured here also

  14. Now this is a really nice blog. Im kind of a gadget and tech geek myself and would gladly include this on my reading list :D

  15. Wow he started so young! :) I wish I started earlier at blogging too. Good job! Now I know where to go when I have blogging-tech-related questions :D

  16. I think I need to Ask Hideki, he's truly a geek. =) Congrats for the feature!

  17. To my mind this is what I call a perfect blog article! Do you run this domain for private goals solely or you basically have it as a source of income?

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